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Our Beliefs...



WE BELIEVE THAT JESUS CHRIST, as fully God and fully human, is the only true Lord and Savior.



WE BELIEVE THE BIBLE is the divinely inspired record of God's actions in history, and that it serves as our authority for faith and practice.



WE BELIEVE THAT INDIVIDUALS BECOME CHRISTIANS when they confess their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and that they receive forgiveness of sins through His death and resurrection. We believe Christians have an eternal relationship with God and are given strength and help in living today through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. This does not mean Christians are perfect, but are simply forgiven.



WE DEMONSTRATE OUR NEW FAITH IN CHRIST through "believer's baptism" by immersion, following Jesus' own example. Baptism serves as a a symbol of dying to our old life and rising to a new life in Jesus.



WE CELEBRATE THE LORD'S SUPPER in which all believers are invited to symbolically accept the broken body of Jesus and the grace-filled gift to us in and through Jesus.



WE BELIEVE IN A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with the Lord which compels us to share our faith with all people and live a life in which we act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.



WE BELIEVE IN THE NECESSITY of believers meeting together regularly. So, we gather often for worship, encouragement, community, and growth.

Our affiliation

We are affiliated with the American Baptist Churches USA. "American Baptists are a Christ-centered, biblically grounded, ethnically diverse people called to radical personal discipleship in Christ Jesus." -- ABCUSA

Got questions?

Have a question about what we believe at WSBC? Get in touch with a person on our pastoral team directly by clicking the button below.

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Sunday Services at 10:45AM


256 Washington St.

Lynn, MA 01902



(781) 595-2550

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Copyright 2019, Washington Street Baptist Church. All Rights Reserved.

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